Tribe 01 Territory Spring 2001 ter-ri-to-ry n, pl. -ries. 1. An area of land; region. 2. The land and waters under the jurisdiction of a state, nation, or sovereign. 3. Territory. a. A part of the United States that is not admitted as a state, that is administered by a governor, and that has its own legislature. b. A semi-autonomous geographic region, as a colonial possession, that is dependant on an external government. 4. The area for which a person is responsable as representative or agent: a salesman's territory. 5. Sports. The area of a field defended by a team. 6. Biol. An area inhabitated by an individual animal or a mating pair or group of animals, often defended vigorously against intruders. 7. A sphere of action or interest; province. [ME < Lat. territorium < terra, land.] | | Tribe 02 Handmade winter 2001/2002 Although the computer has taken over many routine and automated tasks, it seems that most of us still look at it as just a tool. The instrument of choice for making graphic design in print, animation for television and information design on websites. Even if it looks almost as if the virtual tools have taken over completely, we still use our hands. |